2 research outputs found

    A study on ways to strengthen the skills in media and information literacy education of librarians dispatched to developing countries through the Delphi method

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    Advances in technology and communication have brought various opportunities, conveniences, and benefits to human society. With the development of information and communication technology around the world, people can connect with each other in real time, regardless of location. Globalization is also accelerating the movement of people and goods. By making the flow of people, capital, information, and goods relatively free from border restrictions, globalization and informatization have fundamentally changed education. The educational paradigm is shifting in various directions. First, the role of non-formal education has become more prominent as education centered on knowledge acquisition, which was appropriate in the era of the Industrial Revolution, has transformed to a pattern in which learners mostly learn on their own. Second, governments and international organizations including the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have been stressing that the acquisition and use of information and communication technology (ICT) is an essential condition for people to lead prosperous lives. Third, education policies and curricula developed by countries, which used to target only the domestic education system, are now beginning to address the effects of globalization on education, global citizenship, and digital citizenship. Along with this paradigm shift, the role of the library, which has traditionally been the center of education, society, and culture in the local community, is expanding. Libraries are representative non-formal educational institutions and local cultural venues that provide information, education, and culture services to their users. The composition and needs of libraries vary from country to country. Many developing countries has a history of colonial rule, and as their network infrastructure transforms in a leapfrogging manner directly into wireless internet, they suffer from the rapid widening of inequality in education and access to information. The purpose of this study is to understand the general impacts of this trend and to suggest ways to improve the media information literacy (MIL) competencies of residents in developing countries through the educational role that librarians can play, especially through librarians dispatched to developing countries. To this end, the relationship between library official development assistance (ODA), education in international development cooperation, and library MIL education were VI examined, and existing approaches for strengthening MIL education competency were analyzed through a literature review. In addition, the contents of current library MIL education were derived by analyzing government materials and summarizing the tasks requested for dispatched librarians to developing countries. After that, in-depth interviews were conducted with librarians dispatched to libraries in developing countries to understand the status of librarians’ work and library education programs in developing countries. In addition, through a Delphi survey with various experts, such as teachers who performed MILeducation, professors specializing in MIL, public officers, training experts in developing countries, and dispatched librarians, a few suggestions on ways to strengthen the competencies of librarians in developing countries for MIL were obtained. The study found that major factors hindering the strengthening of MIL education competencies in libraries in developing countries include the lack of professional human resources to carry out library ODA projects, understanding in ODA in the library field, and publicity for libraries’ role in sustainable education. There is also a need in developing MIL training materials and teaching methods. In conclusion, to build dispatched librarians’ MIL education knowledge and skills, it is necessary to conduct more research on the MIL education function of libraries and librarians and develop corresponding teaching methods and textbooks. In addition, various forms of MIL education training should be provided to dispatched librarians to enable them to work together consistently and continuously. Understanding the situation of recipient countries and organizations, their cultural environment, conditions, and customs, and their MIL environment are critical for the effective dispatch of librarians. To support smooth and sustainable education through libraries in the future, the need for building productive collaborative partnerships with various institutions is stressed. Among the functions that dispatched librarians perform in libraries in developing countries, improving users’ MIL competencies, providing information access rights, and supporting users’ non-formal learning are important roles that modern society requires libraries to perform. In addition, non-formal education is the most suitable form of education for MIL education, and MIL is a fundamental competency in modern society. If dispatched librarians and librarians in recipient countries can cooperate organically through activities in educational support, cultural program development, and MIL competency improvement, library ODA can head to a new direction that substantially contributes to the well-being of people in both donor and recipient countries

    Digital Humanities: Stato attuale e caratteristiche della Corea del Sud

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    Nell'era della terza rivoluzione industriale, i computer e Internet sono stati strumenti per elaborare i dati in modo rapido e conveniente. Nel frattempo, il punto chiave della quarta rivoluzione industriale è come ristrutturare e ricreare dati significativi. I settori delle scienze umanistiche e delle scienze della biblioteca stanno anche esplorando nuovi modi di ricerca, formazione e creazione creativa combinando grandi quantità di dati con la tecnologia dell'informazione. Sebbene la Repubblica di Corea non usasse il termine "digital humanities", iniziarono a prestare attenzione all'informatizzazione avente ad oggetto la conoscenza umanistica a partire dal 1980 sotto il nome di humanities computing. Il governo della Repubblica di Corea ha guidato vari progetti per ampliare vari contenuti digitali e ha digitalizzato un notevole numero di dati delle istituzioni pubbliche. Sulla base dei contenuti digitalizzati, studiosi di letteratura e storici coreani stanno cercando di applicare tecniche come l'analisi della rete e la visualizzazione dei dati. Inoltre, ogni università ha istituito un corso di studi digital humanities al proprio interno per dotare le generazioni future delle basi necessarie alla ricerca creativa umanistica nell'ambiente digitale. Questo panel vuole introdurre il processo e lo status delle humanities digitali e del metodo educativo nella Repubblica di Corea e mira a caratterizzare le discipline umanistiche digitali in Corea